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How is it to live with a Beauceron in 7 Facts

dog portrait explained

How is it to live with a Beauceron in 7 Facts

This breed seems to be a dog crossing between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd but looks more friendly than a Rott and is way quieter than the German.  Here is a description of the breed explained with drawings to make you understand how it is to live with this breed ! For thoses who don't want to read, there is a video with live drawing to understand the breed : 1 The Beauceron comes from France The Beauceron is a french herding dog breed with origins in the center of France, this area is called "La beauce" wich give...

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The JRR Tolkien Logo explanation - Fun facts monogram drawing.

litterature lotr portrait explained

The JRR Tolkien Logo explanation - Fun facts monogram drawing.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, father of the middle Earth stories, had this incredible monogram made by himself  : Putting his Initials in a typographic art, he used that symbol to sign some of his original artwork. If you want more explanation about the logo, let's go inside the drawing ! 1.Let's do some Fun fonts monogram with J J R T letters I've tried to do the same work that tolkien did when building up his monogram. I've used the -Ringbearer- font you could find here, and stacks the 4 letters one on each other : The second "R" is...

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Illustrated Fun facts about Edward Elgar

classic music

Illustrated Fun facts about Edward Elgar

He may be the best moustache of the 20th Century and many more! Here are fun facts about Edward Elgar illustrated with my doodle drawings. You will discover that this man will still be unknown without Caroline, his enigma Variations are still a mystery, he was a modern man for recording his work and he also did chemistry in his free time...     Recording sessions From 1926, Elgar starts to records his own works and take gramophone seriously ! He already recorded with the acoustic-recording, but the introduction of electrical microphones in 1925 turned the gramophone into a Home...

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Facts about Freddie Mercury illustrated with drawings

music portrait explained

Facts about Freddie Mercury illustrated with drawings

Here are 10 things you might not have known about the Queen frontman. Visit of the biography drawing of Freddie Mercury!   MTV doesn't appreciate "Coronation Street" The video clip "I want to break free" starts with a plan on a wide shot of chimney pots and terraced streets: a reminder of UK drama Coronation Street. Disguised in women, we see : - Roger Taylor plays Suzie Birchall,- Brian May is Hilda Ogden- Freddie Mercury as Housewife Bet Lynch- John Deacon as granny Ena Sharples  Because Mercury's is dressed in a pointy-chested, glamorous housewife (and obvious transvestite message), It led...

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9 Interesting illustration Fun Facts About Claude Debussy

classic music

9 Interesting illustration Fun Facts About Claude Debussy

Here are fun facts about Claude Debussy, the French musician, and modern classical music composer. Plenty of details and doodles inside his portrait to illustrate the fun and interesting facts of his life. Art print available here: Claude Debussy Art Print by drawinside. Plenty of true references to the author of the "clair de lune", his youth, modern classic music, the "Suite bergamasque" and "reverie".   A Modern Classic ! He is at the origin of modern music! or modern classical music to be more accurate. Farewell to the baroque, the well structured German classic music, Debussy wants the violinist...

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