Inside Hogwarts Castle - mystery illustrated with fun facts drawing

portrait explained

Welcome to Hogwarts and its mystery hidden inside the famous school of witchcraft and wizardry. From the distance, it's the Castle silouhette of Hogwarts, and closer, it's filled with plenty of little secrets hand-drawn.

Have a look inside for fun facts you may already know or still don't know about !

hogwarts castle drawing illustration gift idea

1.Did you get your Hogwarts acceptance letter ?

hogwarts admitance letter drawing illustration

If you are admitted to the Hogwarts school, you will receive an acceptance letter. The original one is written on parchment paper and delivered to the recipient exclusively by Owl !

If you are Muggle-born (born to two non-magical parents), the acceptance letter is delivered in person by a member of the Hogwarts School. (and can explain everything to the student and parents.

If you want to make a perfect acceptance Letter on your own, you can see this article !

2.The four Hogwarts houses

hogwarts house the sorting hat drawing comics

Once you put the sorting hat on your head, you will know to wich magic house you are affected. There are 4 houses, symbolised by an animal :

  • The Gryffindor with a Lion as a mascot.
  • Ravenclaw, with the Scottish Eagle
  • The Hufflepuff Welsh Badger.
  • The green and silver Slytherin Serpent.

Sources : the ultimate guide to hogwarts houses

So British !

3.Hogwarts school of magic 

Once upon a time, the four wizards - Godric Gryffindor - Rowena Ravenclaw - Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin decide to build up the Hogwarts school of Magic to make the world’s best magic school and develop skills :

Bravery, chivalry - intelligence and wit - loyalty and fair play - and the values of being sly and cunning. but appart theses you also can attend black magic, herbology, spelling and so on ...

hogwarts school professors teaching magic illustration

 The full courses of the 7 year scholl are available at Hogwarts is here !


4. the Hogwarts crest :"Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus"

This is the motto of Hogwarts School. This can be translated by the wise sentence : 

“Never tickle a sleeping dragon”

hogwarts crest draco dormiens titillandus nunquam drawing


5. A huge and complex Castle

complex castel staircases moving paintings hogwarts

Hogwarts has a long history, and even Dumbledore admitted that he not even knew all of its secrets : much about the design and construction of Hogwarts remains a mystery.

You can find 142 staircases in total, they are quite challenging to navigate with as some are prone to moving so be carrefull when looking at the portraits gallery !


6.Hogwarts mystery and secrets

There is a secret door down the castle, leading to the chamber of secrets !

hogwart the circular door to the Chamber of Secrets, seven snakes that form its locking device


7. "Hogwarts Express" - 5972

hogwarts express train 5972 doodle drawing illustration

The Hogwarts express going up in Scotland, and travelling on the Glenfinnan Viaduct. The steam train "the Jacobite" regularly runs on the line !

8.finding the right quay ?

harry searching hogwarts express 9 3/4 quay drawing illustrationThe platform 9 3/4 can be accessed through the brick wall barrier between platforms 9 and 10. in King's Cross station, London.

In fact, platforms 9 and 10 are in a separate building from the main station and are separated by two intervening tracks !

The sign and trolley with luggage and bird cage were relocated in 2012 and are now sited next to a Harry Potter merchandise sho


9.The Hogwarts great Hall

Thousand of candles floating in midair, 4 large tables with golden plates and goblets ! All of the students sitting there and at the top of the Hall : a long table where the teachers are sitting. this is the Great Hall of Hogwarts !


hogarts castle great hall with candles drawing

10.Hogwarts Castle Architecture

Hogwarts was built somewhere in the Scottish Highlands, and concealed with numerous charms and spells to make it impossible for Muggles to trespass.

Here are shown the North Tower and RavenClaw Tower on the left, astronomy tower and entrance hall on the right.

 hogwarts silouhette drawing castle scotland


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